30 Useful Polish Phrases for Emergency Use in Poland

30 Useful Polish Phrases for Emergency Use in Poland

Blog Article

One of the goals of best online language learning platfrom  is for you to learn to communicate correctly in Polish in as many everyday situations as possible. So that when you go to the doctor in Poland , for example, you can feel confident that you'll be understood and that you'll be treated in the best possible way. Therefore, we want to teach you more than 30 phrases you can use in case of an emergency during your trip to Poland.

Asking for help in Poland: 10 useful phrases in case of emergency

Do you know how to say "please help me" in Polish? While we don't wish anyone to experience an emergency, you never know when one might happen, and the best thing we can do is be prepared. And there's nothing more difficult for a foreign traveler than being in another country and not being able to ask for help because you don't know how to say it.

Below are 10 Polish phrases you can use to ask for help in any emergency. We recommend learning them by heart.

  1. Pomoc! // Help!

  2. Pomóż mi proszę. // Help me , please.

  3. Why do I/we have a pan(i) ? // Can you  help me/us ?  

  4. Proszę poszukaj pomocy, mam nagły wypadek. // Seek help please, I have an emergency.

  5. Where is the nearest police station/hospital? // Where is the  nearest police station/hospital ?

  6. Proszę, zadzwoń na policję/pogotowie. // Please call the police/ambulance.

  7. Miałem wypadek. // I had an accident .

  8. We don't touch you/ pana/pani. // I don't understand you.

  9. Jestem cudzoziemcem. // I am a foreigner .

  10. Proszę powiadomić moich krewnych. // Please tell my family.

And speaking of asking for help... remember that if you need help improving your Polish, you can always visit language learnings for the best online polish language classes: Potrzebuję  pomocy (I Need Help) and I'll be happy to help you. There you'll find many more tools to help you learn Polish easily.  You can also purchase one of our seven self-study Polish language courses,  which will help you accelerate your learning and communicate effectively in many everyday situations in Poland.

When traveling to Poland, what to do in case of emergency?

What should I do if I find myself in an emergency situation in Poland? In the event of an emergency in Poland or anywhere in the European Union, you can call 112 free of charge from any telephone to reach the emergency services: police ( policja ), ambulance ( karetki ), or fire ( strażacy ). Other emergency numbers, called " numery awaryjne " in Polish, are: 112 (Police), 999 (Ambulance Service), 997 (Fire Brigade).

Now, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to call the police, these 10 emergency phrases can be very helpful:

  • Muszę zadzwonić . // I must make a call .

  • My  cell phone is out of battery . // My cell phone is out of battery  . 

  • How can I access my phone number? // May I use  your phone?

  • To the nagły wypadek. // This is an emergency .

  • Zostałem okradziony. // I've been robbed.

  • Zostałem napadnięty. // I was mugged.   

  • I'm happy to hear it.// I've been raped.

  • What do I have to do? // What should I do?

  • How long will it take? // How long will it take?

  • Potrzebuję tłumacza. // I need an interpreter .

Phrases of support in emergency situations.

What happens in a medical emergency? Well, for that, I recommend reading our class: Going to the Doctor in Poland. 

  • Nie czuję się zbyt dobrze . Czy może mi Pan/Pani pomóc?// I don't feel very well. Can you help me?

There are also some supportive phrases you can use whenever someone is bothering you or you feel threatened by someone:  

  • Zostaw mnie w spokoju.// Leave me alone.

  • Go away! // Go away!

  • To nie ma ma nic wspólnego ze mną! // It has nothing to do with me!

  • Nie ma mowy! // No way!

  • Lepiej nie pytaj . // Better not ask.

  • Na razie to wszystko. Dziękuję. Pomyślę. // That's all for now . Thanks, I'll think about it.

As you can see, emergencies come in all kinds. Can you think of any others? In the following video, you can hear these phrases pronounced in Polish, as well as learn a few more phrases that are always good to remember to save yourself in an emergency.

Additional recommendations in case of an emergency in Poland.

In any emergency situation, it is very important to remain calm and be alert to the instructions of local authorities. It is also recommended that you inform your family and friends in the event of an emergency. Therefore, before traveling to Poland, be sure to have the number and address of your country's embassy or consulate abroad, as they can assist you in the event of an emergency. Even in the event of an arrest, they can inform your family members. Did you know?

The embassies and consulates of each country usually have very useful information to make your trip to Poland safer and more pleasant. As an example, here are two images with useful phrases to use in case of emergency, which the Mexican Embassy in Poland has for travelers.


Do you need help learning Polish?

At Language learnings, we have everything you need to learn Polish in a way that's different from the academic method. Here you'll find self-study courses, group courses, and books with exercises that will prepare you to speak Polish in everyday situations.  

If you want to learn Polish from scratch, this is the best place to start: Polish Course for Spanish Speakers.


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